'Over the last year, by necessity, we’ve grown more introspective, more insular and more aware of our interconnectedness. We’ve had to acknowledge our permeable national boundaries, shared air, the limits of personal space. The artists who work with browngrotta arts have coped with the changes in various ways — moving locations, taking up art photography, taking new inspiration from nature. These recent adaptations are just some of the many reasons artists make changes in their art practice — a material becomes unavailable (willow) or a new one suggests itself (fiber optic, bronze, copper, steel, kibisio, akebia), a move in the US from the East to the South or from one country to another or from the city to the desert, a change in physical abilities (allergy, injury), an altered personal relationship, or a commission opportunity or an exhibition challenge. We will explore this theme this Spring, in browngrotta arts' Art in the Barn exhibition, Adaptation: Artists Respond to Change
The exhibition will be accompanied by a full-colour catalogue (our 51st)
8 – 16 MAY 2021
Opening: Saturday 8 May, 11am – 6pm
Exhibition Hours: 10 – 15 May, 10am – 5pm daily, and 11am - 6pm Sundays
For a review of the exhibition from ARTEMORBIDA, please click here
Browngrotta Arts
276 Ridgefield Road, Wilton, Connecticut 06897